How Much Should I Spend on Ads? A Small Business Guide to Creating Your Digital Marketing Budget


As a small business owner, diving into the world of digital marketing can be both exciting and daunting. One of the most common questions is, “How much should I spend on ads?” Creating a well-thought-out digital marketing budget is essential to ensure you get the most out of your investment. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a digital marketing budget for small businesses that aligns with your goals and maximizes your ROI.

1. Define Your Campaign Objectives

Before you allocate a single dollar, it’s crucial to define what you want to achieve with your digital marketing efforts. Your objectives will determine how you allocate your budget.

  • Impressions: If your goal is to increase brand awareness and reach as many people as possible, you’ll focus on impressions. This approach is generally less expensive but requires a broad reach.
  • Engagement: For businesses looking to build a relationship with their audience, engagement is key. This includes likes, comments, shares, and other interactions. Engagement campaigns often require a moderate budget.
  • Conversions: If your primary goal is to drive sales or acquire leads, you’ll need to focus on conversions. These campaigns tend to be the most expensive because you’re paying for specific actions.

2. Understand Your Costs

Knowing how much to spend involves understanding the costs associated with different types of campaigns and platforms. Here’s a basic breakdown:

  • Social Media Ads: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer various ad formats and pricing models. Costs can vary widely based on targeting and competition.
  • Search Engine Ads: Google Ads can be highly effective but are often more expensive due to competition for keywords.
  • Display Ads: These are typically cheaper but may not be as effective in driving conversions.

3. Calculate Lead Costs in Local Service Businesses

Understanding the average cost to generate a lead in your industry is crucial for setting a realistic budget. For local service-based businesses like dentists and contractors, the cost can vary based on the competitiveness of your market and the specific services you offer.

  • Dentists: On average, the cost per lead (CPL) for dental practices can range from $50 to $200. This can depend on the type of services promoted (e.g., cosmetic dentistry tends to be more expensive).
  • Contractors: For general contractors, the CPL typically ranges from $30 to $150. Specialized services such as roofing or HVAC repairs might fall on the higher end of this spectrum.

4. Set a Realistic Digital Marketing Budget

A general rule of thumb for small businesses is to allocate 5-10% of their revenue to marketing. However, within that overall marketing budget, a significant portion should be dedicated to digital marketing, especially for businesses looking to scale efficiently. Here’s how to determine the allocation for digital marketing:

  • Overall Marketing Budget:
    • Annual Revenue: $500,000
    • Total Marketing Budget (5-10%): $25,000 – $50,000
  • Digital Marketing Allocation:
    • Depending on the industry and digital maturity, allocate 50-70% of your marketing budget to digital marketing.
    • Example: If you allocate 60% to digital marketing:
      • Digital Marketing Budget: $25,000 * 0.60 = $15,000 (lower budget) or $50,000 * 0.60 = $30,000 (higher budget)

5. Allocate Your Digital Marketing Budget

Once you have a total digital marketing budget, divide it among your chosen channels based on your objectives. Here’s a simple approach:

  • Awareness Campaigns: 30-40%
  • Engagement Campaigns: 20-30%
  • Conversion Campaigns: 40-50%

6. Monitor and Adjust

Digital marketing is not a set-it-and-forget-it process. Regularly monitor your campaigns and adjust your budget based on performance. Use analytics tools to track key metrics and understand what’s working and what’s not.


Creating a digital marketing budget is an ongoing process that requires careful planning, execution, and optimization. By defining your goals, understanding your costs, setting a realistic budget, and continuously monitoring performance, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are both effective and efficient.

Need help creating a digital marketing strategy that works for your business? Contact us at Scale for a free consultation today!

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